Need to know more about WOSB certification
Not exclusively is WBENC the biggest certifier of ladies possessed organizations in the U.S., we are likewise one of four associations affirmed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) to give Women-Owned Small Business WOSB certification, as a major aspect of the SBA’s Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting program.
Every year, the central government defines an objective to grant at any rate five (5) percent of all bureaucratic contracting dollars to ensured Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSBs), especially in enterprises where WOSBs are underrepresented. Turning into an affirmed WOSB and joining the SBA’s contracting program guarantees your business is qualified to vie for government contracts put in a safe spot for this program.
Who is qualified?
To be qualified for WOSB certification, your organization must:
It should be 51%, unequivocally and legitimately, possessed and constrained by at least one ladies, who are U.S. residents.
Be little in its essential industry as per the SBA’s size measures for that industry. Utilize the SBA’s Size Standards Tool to check your industry.
Have ladies oversee everyday activities and furthermore settle on long haul choices.
View the full WOSB certification standards here.
What are the advantages?
Turning into an affirmed WOSB and partaking in the SBA’s WOSB contracting program permits your business to go after government contracts inside a progressively constrained pool of other qualified WOSBs, along these lines expanding your odds of winning business.
These agreements are for ventures where WOSBs are underrepresented. Look at the SBA’s rundown of qualified ventures and their NAICS codes.
How would I begin?
If you are as of now a WBENC-Certified Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE), you can undoubtedly apply for WOSB certification as a feature of your recertification procedure at no extra charge.
Before beginning the application procedure, if it’s not too much trouble survey the measures for affirmation and guarantee you satisfy the SBA’s size guidelines for your industry. At the point when you are applying for recertification, select “Yes” to the WOSB certification address and transfer the records named WOSB Applicants.
On the off chance that you are a ladies claimed business and not yet confirmed by WBENC, pause for a minute to find out about the advantages of WBENC Certification to check whether it is a fit for your business. WBENC is the country’s biggest certifier of ladies possessed organizations and our reality class accreditation standard is acknowledged by in excess of 1,000 enterprises speaking to America’s most renowned brands. In the event that you decide to apply for WBENC affirmation, you can apply for WOSB certification simultaneously.